Dear Current or Returned Volunteer,

After 27 months of the My Peace Corps Story podcast, I'm taking a break from producing this amazing passion project. I plan to start the show again sometime in 2020. Until then, please sign up to share your story on the podcast. 

You can share anything related to your service as a volunteer - projects, village life, friendships, hardships, anything at all. Please let me know more below.

Given the break that I'm taking, I may be slow to get back to you but rest assured that I'll reach out once I start recording again.

Wishing you the very best, 
* indicates required
Example: Burkina Faso, 2012 - 2014
Examples: Education, Middle School English Teacher; Environment, I worked with rural small holder farmers
In a sentence or two, provide a brief high-level summary of your story. I know that's not a lot of information, but this is only to give me an idea (and MailChip has its limitations).
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